
ESG Data


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
ISO 14001 % of business sites certified % 73 73 82
Business sites subject to certification ea 11 11 11
Certified business sites ea 8 8 9
Eco-friendly certification
(Data disclosure from 2023 onwards)
No. of business sites with Green Certification ea - - 1
No. of business sites with ZWTL Certification ea - - 1
No. of products with Eco-Label ea - - 2
No. of products with Environmental Product Declaration ea - - 4
No. of products with ISCC Plus ea - - 2

Greenhouse Gas

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions Total GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2)* tCO2-eq 3,409,409 3,473,210 3,322,947
Scope 1 tCO2-eq 3,036,989 3,128,818 3,009,402
Scope 2 tCO2-eq 372,428 344,400 313,545
Scope 3** tCO2-eq 5,236,713 5,779,332 5,271,699
GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1, Scope 2)*** tCO2-eq/KRW 1 billion 620 683 792
* Difference in the total due to unit truncation
** The data for 2021 and 2022 was revised due to the enhancement of the Scope 3 measurement methodology
*** Based on Kumho Petrochemical's revenue (separated)


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Energy consumption Total energy consumed* TJ 42,727 42,338 40,767
Total general energy consumed TJ 41,718 41,453 39,911
Direct energy Total consumed TJ 33,905 34,550 33,354
LNG TJ 551 500 487
LPG TJ 0.1 0.4 1.4
Gasoline TJ 0.2 0.2 1.4
Diesel TJ 27 26 26
Coal TJ 24,249 25,149 24,299
Others TJ 9,078 8,874 8,539
Indirect energy Total consumed TJ 7,813 6,903 6,557
Electricity TJ 5,329 4,832 4,815
Steam TJ 2,484 2,071 1,742
Others TJ 0 0 0
Renewable energy consumed (WCF) TJ 1,008 885 856
% of renewable energy consumed % 2.4 2.1 2.1
Energy consumption intensity** TJ/KRW 1 billion 7.8 8.3 9.7
* Difference in the total due to unit truncation
** Based on Kumho Petrochemical's revenue (separated)


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Water withdraw and consumption Water withdrawn Total 14,450,991 13,827,307 12,735,109
Water supply 25,827 41,372 38,818
Groundwater 6,488 7,140 6,671
Industrial water 14,418,676 13,778,795 12,689,620
Others 0 0 0
Water consumed 6,548,271 6,139,120 5,420,117
Water consumption intensity* m³/KRW 1 billion 1,190 1,207 1,292
Water recycled 795,381 505,001 293,374
% of water recycled % 12.2 8.2 5.4
Water risk Ratio of business sites located in water-stressed areas** % 8.3 8.3 50
Water consumption rate in water-stressed areas % 0.1 0.2 85.8
Water withdrawal rate in water-stressed areas % 0.1 0.1 64.9
Wastewater Wastewater discharged 7,902,720 7,688,187 7,314,992
Wastewater discharged intensity m³/KRW 1 billion 1,437 1,511 1,743
* Based on Kumho Petrochemical's revenue (separated)
** High or extremely high areas according to WRI Aqueduct Tool

Hazardous chemical

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Hazardous chemical discharged Total discharged ton 64 51 56
Intensity ton/KRW 1 billion 0.01 0.01 0.01
Hazardous chemical used Total used ton 1,831,536 1,593,632 1,637,449
Intensity ton/KRW 1 billion 333 313 390
Hazardous chemical inspection Total case 21 24 54
Regular inspection case 7 8 7
Non-regular inspection case 14 16 47

Air pollutant

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Air pollutant emissions NOx ton 934.3 854.2 717.2
SOx ton 470.8 494.3 574.7
VOCs ton 20.8 16.4 26.4
HAPs ton 44.2 29.6 24.7
PM ton 76.3 81.7 54.0

Water pollutant

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Water pollutant discharged COD* ton 312.4 - -
BOD ton 233.4 179.4 127.8
SS ton 181.1 153.8 127.1
TOC* ton - 271.6 205.9
T-N ton 229.9 164.5 121.3
T-P ton 16.2 14.2 10.6
* According to the revision of the Enforcement Rules of the Water Environment Conservation Act, organic matter measurement indicators of wastewater discharge facilities was converted from the COD to TOC. Therefore, we disclose TOC instead of COD since 2022.

Raw material

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Raw material used ton 3,333,370 3,541,176 3,837,664
Percentage of raw materials used % 1.9 1.7 1.6


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
General waste + Hazardous waste Total waste generated ton 136,622 124,342 127,118
Total waste recycled ton 120,577 110,285 111,704
Percentage of waste recycled % 88.3 88.7 87.9
Waste treated Total ton 16,046 14,057 15,414
Incineration ton 11,246 10,534 11,811
Landfill ton 4,608 3,282 3,393
Others ton 192 240 210
General waste Total general waste generated ton 123,562 113,122 113,495
Total general waste recycled ton 117,367 108,204 109,124
Percentage of general waste recycled % 95.0 95.7 96.1
General waste treated Total ton 6,195 4,918 4,371
Incineration ton 1,587 1,635 978
Landfill ton 4,608 3,282 3,393
Others ton 0 0 0
Hazardous waste Total hazardous waste generated ton 13,060 11,220 13,623
Total hazardous waste recycled ton 3,209 2,081 2,580
Percentage of hazardous waste recycled % 24.6 18.5 18.9
Hazardous waste treated Total ton 9,851 9,139 11,043
Incineration ton 9,659 8,899 10,833
Landfill ton 0 0.2 0
Others ton 192 240 210

Environmental management

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
% of business sites conducted environmental compliance implementation checks % - 100 100
% of employees received environmental training % 32.1 35.9 35.4
Safety and Environmental Investment (Data disclosure from 2023 onwards) KRW 1 million - - 57,532

Eco-friendly product revenue

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Eco-friendly product* revenue KRW 1 million 40,606 61,244 65,191
* Total sales of eco-friendly certified products, and sales of RECs


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total no. of employee persons 1,401 1,453 1,513
By age Under 30 persons 188 203 224
30~49 persons 859 888 931
50 and older persons 354 362 358
By employment type Full time employees persons 1,327 1,385 1,417
Temporary employees persons 74 68 96
Workers who are not employees persons 818 817 859
By gender Female persons 214 225 231
Male persons 1,187 1,228 1,282

Employee training

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Per capita training time* hour/person 100.2 67.3 59.8
Per capita training cost KRW 1 million/person 1.3 1.4 1.6
% of employees completed environmental training (Data disclosure from 2023 onwards) % - - 35.4
% of purchasing personnel completed sustainable procurement (Data disclosure from 2023 onwards) % - - 26.9
% of employees received career training % 100 100 100
* Training hours decreased in 2022 as ‘Reading Communication’ program was abolished, which was included in the calculation of ‘Per capita training time’. Instead, we provide ‘Millie’s Library’ subscription to employees since 2022.


Category 단위 2021 2022 2023
% of welfare costs to revenues (separated) % 0.57 0.70 0.98
% of employees participating flexible working system % 100 100 100
Parental leave No. of employees using parental leave Total persons 14 15 15
Male persons 0 2 1
Female persons 14 13 14
No. of employees returning to work after parental leave Total persons 12 15 11
Male persons 3 1 2
Female persons 9 14 9
No. of employees working more than 12 months after returning to work Total persons 11 9 10
Male persons 4 0 2
Female persons 7 9 8


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
ISO 45001 % of business sites certified % 73 73 82
Business sites subject to certification sites 11 11 11
Certified business sites sites 8 8 9

Occupational safety & health

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Employee health checkups support Comprehensive checkups persons 736 818 1,000
General checkups persons 409 419 442
Safety & health risk assessment* % of business sites conducted safety & health compliance inspection check % - 100 100
% of business sites conducted safety & health risk assessment % - 100 100
% of employees covered by Occupational Health & Safety Committee** % 100 100 100
Occupational accident rate Employees LTIR - 0 0 0.3
LTIFR - 0 0 1.3
LTISR - 0 0
OIFR - 0 0 0
TRIR - 0 0 0.4
TRIFR - 0 0 2.0
Process Safety Event - Tier 1 - 0 0.3 1.3
Fatality rate 0 0 0
Occupational accident rate % 0 0 0.2
Suppliers LTIR - 0.1 0.2 0
LTIFR - 0.6 1.2 0
OIFR - 0 0 0
TRIR - 0.1 0.7 0.1
TRIFR - 0.6 3.7 0.7
Fatality rate 0 0 0
Occupational accident rate % 0 0.1 0
* (No. of business sites conducted) / (No. of business sites subject to conduct) * 100
** (No. of employess covered) / (No. of employess subject to cover) * 100

Supply chain

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Suppliers Total no. of suppliers numbers 1,041 1,048 1,053
No. of suppliers newly registered numbers 154 146 175
% of suppliers signed for Suppliers Code of Conduct % 66.0 65.6 69.3
No. of suppliers conducted ESG risk assessment Contractors to be evaluated numbers - - 341
Contractors that have been evaluated numbers 12 226 110
Supply chain support Amount of Mutual Growth Fund KRW 1 million 20,000 20,000 20,000
Amount of loan interest supported KRW 1 million 5,410 11,200 14,100
No. of loan supported suppliers numbers 20 36 49
No. of training supported suppliers numbers 141 107 102
Participation in suppliers consultation channel times 4 4 4

Social contribution

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
No. of employees participating in social contribution activities persons 283 295 480
Hours spent in social contribution activities hours 4,702 5,830 7,781

Board of directors

Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
BoD composition* Total no. of directors persons 10 10 10
Executive directors persons 3 3 3
Independent directors Persons 7 7 7
% of independent directors % 70 70 70
Board diversity* No. of female directors persons 2 2 2
% of female directors % 20 20 20
BoD meetings and attendance BoD meetings times 11 10 8
BoD attendance rate % 100 100 100
Average attendance rate of executive directors % 100 100 100
Average attendance rate of independent directors % 100 100 100
BoD agendas No. of approved agendas agendas 29 22 12
No. of reported agendas agendas 13 14 17
BoD training times 3 3 3
Total independent director compensation KRW 1 million 564 499 504
* As of December 31st

Board Skills Matrix

Name Position Skills Gender
Industry Sales Finance Trad /
Risk management Governance Legal /
(Climate Change)
Occupational health & safety
Do Soung Choi Chair of BoD & Independent Director Male
Jong Hoon Baek CEO & Executive Director Male
Jun Kyung Park Executive Director Male
Young Do Ko Executive Director Male
Sang Soo Park Independent Director Male
Jung Mi Lee Independent Director Female
Young Woo Park Independent Director Male
Tae Kyun Kwon Independent Director Male
Jee Yoon Lee Independent Director Female
Jeung Won Yang Independent Director Male

BoD committees

Committee 역할
Audit Committee
• Supervising the work of directors and the management
• Approving the selected external auditors
• Other matters stipulated in the articles of incorporation or internal regulations concerning the audit
Independent Director Nomination Committee
• Establishing, inspecting, and improving the director appointment principles
• Recommending director candidates to be appointed by the general shareholders’ meeting
• Managing and verifying director candidates
ESG Committee
• Establishing corporate ESG strategies and policies
• Forming the corporate strategy and policy related to sustainable management and social value creation
• Other ESG matters delegated by the BOD
Related Party Transaction Committee
• Deliberating and deciding on internal transactions to promote fairness and transparency of transactions
• Deliberating and deciding on internal transactions in accordance with the Commercial Act, Monopoly Regulation And Fair Trade Act, etc 
Compensation Committee
• Deliberating and deciding on the limit of remuneration for directors and the remuneration system
Management Committee
• Establishing key management strategies or management policies
• Deliberating and deciding on significant management status


Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
No. of R&D employees Persons 169 174 174
R&D investment KRW 1 million 49,327 48,121 50,824

KCGS ESG Ratings

Year ESG integrated rating Environmental rating Social rating Governance rating
2023 A A A+ A
2022 A B+ A A
2021 B+ B A A
2020 A B+ A A
2019 B+ B+ B+ B+
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